Although some of these dates remain unconfirmed specific unknown information is highlighted.
Some performances are linked to relevant internet audio or video sources. On some occasions there are alternate sources indicated [alt]
Date format is YYYY.MM.DD
Last update: March 2020
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Band: Gilles Losier (bass & violin), Pat Donaldson (bass), Scot Lang (guitar), Chaim Tannenbaum, Jean-Paul Robichaud (drums), Ken Pearson, Dane Lanken.
Supporting the Rick Danko / Paul Butterfield Band. Footage from soundcheck and performance appears in the Caroline Leaf documentary first broadcast on May 19, 1982 and subsequently released by the National Film Board of Canada on DVD. Kate & Anna were interviewed by Ed Haber for WBAI before the afternoon soundcheck. This was broadcast on The Piper in the Meadow Straying on May 9. Audio for the interview can be found here